Friday, 25 November 2011

The Final Banquet.

A Diary Entry By Cassia Reyes.

Dear Diary,
It was Grandfather's eightieth birthday a few days ago, but not only that, the final banquet. The day people wonder about. My mind was and is filled with memories of my grandfather & I as we walked up the stairs to his house. He layed there, helpless. I had to blink away the tears that try to flood my face. We all had brought gifts for him, a little something each. Bram had picked a rock from Arboretum for grandpa and I wrote a letter with poetry in it. I worried he would not like it. People normally do not care about poetry these days but Grandfather and I love it. He had asked for us to all have an one-on-one with him before it is time for him to rest. When it was my turn to talk to Grandfather, I gave him my letter. He liked it but encouraged me to use my own words next time. It was weird. A secret full of trust was handed to me that day as well. He put a piece of paper in my compact. He said to me "Cassia, I am giving you something you won't understand, yet. But I think you will someday. You, more than the rest. And, remember. It's all right to wonder." That night he ended his life saying I love you to my family and I. Now, today, a few days later, I am  hurt and confused. I hid during hiking today and read the paper Grandfather gave me. A poem. Grandfather gave me a poem. Ky saw me read it. I am scared. We arent aloud to have poetry like this, and I dont know what to do with it. I want to keep it but if an Officer sees it, I can be in huge trouble. Ky will keep it secret. I hope. When I got home from hiking today, Officers were at my house. I thought they knew about my compact.What Grandfather had given me. They are still here. I need to go hide my compact FAST and see what happended. I will let you know what happens as soon as I get a chance.. Oh no I hear them coming.. Gotta go...


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