In the View of Cassia Reyes; An Interview.
Q: In a society of perfect people and perfect apperance, how would you describe your apperance?
A: Well, like you said, we are all perfect. Every gene is a perfect gene full of beauty and perfection. Each individual would fall under the defination of beauty. As for myself, I wonder. I am told that with society making sure everyone is the best apperance they can be, I still stop and think that they may have made a mistake on me. With people all around me so stunning, its
hard for me to think I dont match up with them. I question the fashion here as well. I mean plainclothes are exactually what they are called "PLAIN" clothes. Everyday we wear the same clothes and have no twist at all. With my eyes being green and my hair being dark brown, it does not look that appealing with the plain look of them. I love fashion and beauty, and this whole plainclothes thing is just not working for me, Im like the plain clothes cop. I would love to open my closet and it be like the rainbow fell from the sky into my closet. At the match we were able to finally choice the clothes we wanted to wear. I chose of course something that would bring out my eyes and look flattering with my hair and body, not like them hideous plain clothes. That sure was a special time in my fashion life. Haha.

Q: In the novel Ally Condie wrote on your society and life, what role do you play in it?
A: I was asked to be the main character. She wanted to base the story on my life and my experiences. So, pretty much I have the most important role in the story. In the story, she writes about my experience with the match and afterwards. I feel though as if every single role in the story is very important and has impact on how the story is told. Without one of the "roles" there wouldn't be a story!
Q: With your life involving around some challenging situtations, how do find you behave in tense, frightening, or dramatic situations?
A: Im a very reserved but fun girl, so those situations do bother me to a large extent. I dont stress myself out alot and i dont find that tense situations revolve around stress so when they do occur I find the best way to stay calm is to just stop, and relax. When it's a tense situtiation like at the matching banquet for instense, I have a hard time dealing with them. I get really nervous, especually because I dont like being centre of attention. Frightening and dramatic situations are worse than tense. I find myself stuck into knowing what to do and then panic.
Q: Is there another character that you are close with, and how would you describe that relationship?

"Every minute you spend with someone gives them a part of your life and takes part of theirs."
-Cassia Reyes.